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ForcesOfProgeny.com (formerly Miles4Milestones.com) Posts

Recap: What you don’t want to hear from your wife when she’s 26-weeks pregnant

The following is my first post recapping Jess’ initial premature labor, her subsequent bedrest, John’s birth and his stay in the NICU.

“Something doesn’t feel right.”

I’m not sure those were her actual words.  In fact they probably weren’t.  The actual words weren’t all that important. What was important at that point was that it was clear to us that our first action should be to call the doctor. We were both quite convinced that it was probably nothing, but we seemed to have an unspoken agreement to not to follow our usual inclination (to see how it goes after a night’s sleep). Thankfully we took the course of action that we did.

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Until I had something to say…

For a number of years I have considered writing my own blog. At various times I thought I had something to contribute to “the series of tubes”. This thought was usually brought on by a temporary surge of ego that was soon squashed by reality:

  1. A realization that I am not the next Jeffrey Zeldman (Web Design / Standards Icon), Lance Armstrong (born on a bicycle) or David Plouffe (political campaign wizard)
  2. Competition with my many hobbies/interests/obligations
  3. While I was more than happy with the sites that I designed for others, I was unsuccessful in designing a site for myself that I thought would do a good job of representing me and my goals.

In short — I didn’t think I had something worth writing, the time to write it, or a venue worthy of presenting it.

In the past year (plus a little bit) I believe I have lived the experiences that are worth reading about, and I’ve resolved to take the time to share them.